One Tree My Duty

Executive Summary

It is today's true scenario that the entire earth is in extensive danger and facing increasing global warming, unfavorable changes in the climate, increasing sea level, reducing forest cover and many more environmental issues every new day, and believe, reducing forest is the most dangerous issue for the entire planet. Despite all environmental threats, forests, and especially tropical rainforests, are still under siege by human activity.

 “We’re cutting down 15 billion trees in a year – that’s almost 500 trees in a second, 29,000 in a minute, 1.7 in million an hour, and 41 million in a day. So, although tree planting is a valuable part of tackling climate change, it won’t be effective unless we reduce the number, cut down in the first place, and make big changes to the way we live.

So, if everyone on the planet planted a single tree, it would be a powerful symbolic act. And if we kept on planting them and stopped cutting them down, it could go a long way to protecting and safeguarding our world.”

Here also some surprising facts areas, government refilling/ reforestation projects having only 20% survivability and out of the only 60% actual plantation of committed figure, on the ground.  Most of the refilling work is being done by NGO’s and plantation partner agencies of the governments.

After studying the implementation methodology and performance measurement techniques, in terms of three-parameter Transparency, Traceability and Sustainability (survivability) found really outrageous facts that no one is targeting these parameters and just performing everything without tracking & measuring actual performance. And to confirm the statement, we can opt for any plantation drives in India and check the figures, actual versus claimed.

After studied the execution method, performance measurement method and on-ground effectiveness of 20 best & most active NGO, working for tree plantation across the globe and identified or came across the above-mentioned parameters to ensure the success of the new generation of the plantation. With the use of emerging tracking technologies in this most basic work, we can do refilling the earth successfully; China is the best example of the plantation of 40 billion trees successfully.

. For better understand all these parameter, here is some question need to be answered for any donor.

So we “EK KADAM SANSTHAN” under drive “One Tree My Duty” urge people to plant at least one tree and ensure his growth until self-grown in 20 month minimum. So we plant and we claims best way of plantation with complete tracking, funds transparency and best and almost 100% of survivability. For this we designed software base tracking system and third party financial audit mechanism.

We plant trees with tree safeguard and handover them to selected care taker, “known as Beneficiary” and pay to him monthly for feeding those trees.

So by this project we are giving pension or fix stipend to care takers and tree planted to donors and forest to society means all three are benefited. Hence

Our module or solution is exactly the “WIN- WIN” solution because Donor gets tree planted, Beneficiary (Care taker) gets money and globe gets tree.

Project Purpose

 Need of Project

Forest destruction is a crisis for the whole planet and here are few alarming facts

1) Forests cover 30% of the earth’s land. Since the 1960s, the world has lost about half of its rainforests. And it is estimated that within 80 years from now, there will be no rainforests.

2) Study shows one and a half acres of forest are cut down every second. That is approximately equal to one football ground.

3) 20% of the world’s oxygen is produced and 25% of cancers fighting organisms are found in the Amazon forest.

4) 1.6 billion people across the globe depend on forest products for their livelihoods, thereby adding more to deforestation.

5) On average, a person in the United States uses more than 300 Kgs of paper every year.

6) According to the satellite reports, tropical forests are being cleared at a staggering rate of 8 million hectares per year. In terms of size, it is about the combined size of the Panjab and Haryana.

7)  we’re cutting down 15 billion trees a year – that’s almost 500 trees a second, 29,000 a minute, 1.7 million an hour, and 41 million a day.


“The reply in response to the question of BB Patil, Lok Sabha MP of Telangana Rashtra Samithi stated that in last three years 76,72,337 number of trees were removed and plantation of more than 7,87,00,000 trees have been stipulated under compensatory afforestation.” 

Environmental experts say the authority has taken no measure to check and monitor compensatory plantation. Kanchi Kohli, researcher at Centre for Policy Research, said: “Trees are being allowed to be cut under the garb of compensatory plantation but even that target is not being fulfilled. This is despite the fact that compensatory plantation cannot replace a full-grown tree and the loss of biodiversity. Secondly the number 112,169 could be an underestimate given the

fact that there is no census or base line of trees in Delhi,” she said.

Another example is the tree census data by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has recorded 29.75 lakh trees in the Greater Mumbai region. According to the census figures of 2011, the city’s population stood at 124.78 lakh, which makes it one tree for every four persons. Environmentalists have raised their concern at the alarming tree-human ratio in the city, asserting that there is a grave need to preserve the green cover in the city.

According to an Indian Institute of Science (IISc) report from 2014, the ideal ratio tree-human ratio should be seven trees for every person. “Gandhinagar in Gujarat has four trees per person, Nashik has two trees for every person,” said Mr T. V Ramachandra, professor at IISc and coordinator at the Energy and Wetlands Research Group. However, India stands among the countries with the lowest tree-human ration with one person for 28 trees. Countries like US and China have 716 trees and 102 trees for one person respectively, according to a 2015 study.

 Government in only doing reforestation tasks and we need more than this because present count of tree are not sufficient to break the deforestation and our intervention for planting more tree to increase tree cover till some good figure or cover the losses of one decade minimum.

Though the tree planting NGOs are reliable but the problem is with the survival of sapling.

“As a member of NGO network I also participate in tree plantations but personally the best thing is to do is planting few trees and also take care of them until they become self-sufficient.”

Yes, we can know, whether trees are actually planted, with the money donated by us. We have to identify the non- profit tree planting organisation, which does tracking of their plants.

If a single plant is planted and taken care until it attains a particular level at which it is supporting itself. One has to provide water and protection from grazing animals. At least one or two years they have to be taken care of.

Objectives of Project

Objective is very simple, everyone needs to plant 1 tree every year to full fill the requirement of earth and this is the only way to sustain our globe for our generation as it was decade before.

To keep global warming below 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F), the level the Paris Agreement says is needed to avoid the most damaging effects of climate change by planting more & more trees.

But planting the sapling on the ground is not a solution, it just the beginning. We need to track if these trees keep growing or die as sapling. So we need to track each sapling till mature into tree.

Why we need to track tree growth 

Just as not all trees grow to maturity, not all tree-planting campaigns succeed. Tracking tree growth helps governments, companies and NGOs to understand progress on their pledges, encourages people to replicate successful projects and tweak struggling ones and inspires funders to continue investing where they can see past progress. 

Challenges of tracking tree growth

High-quality satellite data and platforms like Global Forest Watch track deforestation, but they don’t work well for tracking tree growth. Why? 

Growing trees to maturity takes time, often 15 years or more. And with freely available satellite imagery, it is harder to see a tiny sapling slowly growing in a field than to see the blank space where a tree once stood. Very-high-resolution imagery that could see that change is available, but it is prohibitively expensive to purchase and analyze for the entire world every year. 

Very few individual projects do track tree growth, but each project follows its own method, and the type and quality of data vary greatly. Much of this data is not independently verified, and only spans the first few month of the project (before the trees fully mature). Third-party independent verification that certifies a project’s carbon or biodiversity benefits is often prohibitively expensive. All of that makes project managers and funders alike skeptical of tree restoration success stories.

Tracking the tree’s growth is only the benchmark of restoration success. 

For now, in a world where corporations and governments are increasingly interested in proving their success scientifically, tracking progress is essential. Funders invest in measuring success and insist that their planting partners do too. Now is the time to start tracking progress.

Text Box: We plant sapling for you, nourish till convert into tree by the help of poor needy beneficiary, and keep you update about growth.  
After join to us, you pay the livelihood support to needy one and get one tree and this “EK Kadam” doe fulfill your “One Tree MY Duty”.
So our objective is to plant trees rather than sapling and do track the growth till 2 years closely and keep record for till 5 years. For this we have plan, technology and strong belief to do so.



           Our objective is to deliver tracking data and help you to plant your tree.


How we Different from Others

“Not all trees grow to maturity, not all tree-planting campaigns succeed.” This is the common theory, but fact is No!

Our belief is “every trees mature and every campaign succeed, but if tracking done” because things cannot be improved if cannot be measured. Tracking tree growth helps governments, companies and NGOs to understand progress on their pledges, encourages people to take participation.

































Project Description

This section is provides a high-level description of the project.  This description provides only general information about the project.

Execution Process

Our working Model

Concept of Model

Steps of Execution

SnActivity GroupActivityDescription of tasks
1Area SelectionSelection of plantation AreaSurvey of proposed area and consent with municipal representative
2Area SelectionDocumentation for selected areaTake consent letter form municipal representative or self-declaration letter with approx. beneficiary count
3Beneficiary SelectionIdentify BeneficiaryMeeting with beneficiary and fill identification form, collect picture, video and send to HO
4Beneficiary SelectionVerification of BeneficiaryField enquiry for beneficiary
5Beneficiary SelectionDocumentation for BeneficiaryCollect self-attested documents copy as per procedure
6Beneficiary SelectionAssign Unique Beneficiary No.Login details in system and generate unique beneficiary code number
7Donor SelectionIdentify DonorGet data from online, reference and general calling and maintain primary record
8Donor SelectionCollect DonationCollect data online payment gateway and cash and update record online
9Donor SelectionAssign Unique Tree noLogin details in system and generate unique tree code number
10Donor SelectionProvide donation SlipProvide softcopy in printable form to donor
11Plantation OperationMake a pool of 20 TreesCombine 20 donor id and link with one beneficiary id & update record
12Plantation OperationPlant Tree & HandoverManage plantation drive and plant all 20 trees with tree guard & nameplate
13Plantation OperationCollect Tree DataCollect all tree’s picture, video, geo location and all required details
14Plantation OperationHandover to BeneficiaryHandover all 20 trees to beneficiary and do required formalities
15Plantation OperationCollect monthly DataMonthly visit for all 20 trees and capture same angle picture
16Plantation OperationTransfer amount to Beneficiary’s A/cNEFT agreed amount to beneficiary account
17Record KeepingData send to GovernmentUpdate record and share with government authority
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Traceability
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Transparency
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Sustainability
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: •	Where is tree planted?
•	When it planted?
•	How I confirm that particular tree in mine?
•	How to reach at my tree?
•	How to get tree pic anytime needed?
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: •	Is my tree survived and how much time?
•	Can I track my tree every month ?
•	What is overall survival rate of trees planted ?
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: •	Is whole Plantation and donation system is transparent?
•	Is any penny movement is visible for all?
•	Is product and payment movement is accessible for all?
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: •	Lat-long and direction function available for tree.
•	Real date & time of plantation is available.
•	Every tree has unique id written on tree guard and link available publically.
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: •	Monthly tree’s growth update for donor for 20 month.
•	Every picture captured is same angle picture.
•	Tree survival target will be 100%.
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: •	Donation is tracked by mobile APP.
•	Every donor has details of contact & address of beneficiary.
•	All statistics will be published on Website.




List of all deliverables to the donor, beneficiary, society & execution organization to complete the one unit of project. 

Each Donor GetsAppreciation Certificate80G & 12AA Rebate on tax @ 2000.00Satisfaction of serving societyGood social media outreach & fame   
Each Beneficiary Gets Amount of 40000.00 INR in account Ownership on 20 Trees Tree Guard scrap/ Waste @150Kg    
Ek Kadam Sansthan Gets Target achievement People support Cause fulfillment    
Environment & Society Gets Adult Tree of 20 month New way to save environment 1 old age livelihood support    


1After the plantation done, who will have ownership of the planted tree?
2What are the rights of the donor on the planted tree?
3What is the legal aspect with the land if “It is public place” and if “it is private property”? Is any objectionable thing in both cases?
4What are the rights on the tree guard and tree after 20 months of growth and full payment to the beneficiary?
5What can be done with the tree guard's body during the 20-month tenure?
6Can we or should we legally bound to the beneficiary about caring for the tree because they are taking money for this?
7What should be the best audit method and what should be the frequency of audit?
8What should be the financial management system (FMS)?
9How can “EK Kadam” have a lifetime linkage with the planted trees?
10What will be our role after completing 20 months of any particular tree or tree pool?
11Can we collect money from the individual directly in the name of the project? If yes then what will be the tax module?
12What happens if any donor refuses to pay after few installments?